# My publications

2011 "New approach to interaction management of companies with University: the concept, principles, models, pilot."
Proceedings of MIPT. V.3, №2, MIPT
2011 "About the management of interactions of the University with commercial firms: the concept, principles, indicators, rating."
Proceedings of ISA RAS V. 61.2/2011, ISA RAS
2011 "Private-University partnership: concepts, mechanisms and indicators of development"
Caspian Journal: Management & High-Tech (Astrakhan: Astrakhan University Publishing House)
2011 "The estimation of the interaction of innovative higher educational institution with affiliated business structures"
Public administration in XXI century: traditions and innovations, Part 3, Moscow State University
2011 "Measurement of cooperation degree of University with commercial structures in order to improve the financial sustainability"
The Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAN)
2011 "Models and mechanisms of partnership of the state universities, and commercial organizations in the field of education, research and innovation"
Proceedings of the Fourth International conference of the System analysis and information technology, Chelyabinsk State University
2010 "Tool for managing the interaction of the University and business community"
The Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAN)
2010 "Score involvement of stakeholders in the development of the University (on the example of MIPT)"
Proceedings of 50th scientific conference of MIPT «Modern problems of fundamental and applied Sciences»: Part IX. Innovation and high technology. MIPT
2009 "The system of assessment and control the interaction of the University with commercial organisations"
The Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INION RAN)
2009 "Estimation of efficiency of cooperation of the University with its key stakeholders"
Modern corporate strategy and technology in Russia: Collection of scientific articles, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
2009 "Approach to the management of the University, based on the theory of stakeholder"
Collection of scientific articles and postgraduate candidates, Issue 8, Russian state University of trade and Economics
2009 "Rating of participants of the business oriented innovative kernel University on interaction with stakeholders from business"
Proceedings of 50th scientific conference of MIPT «Modern problems of fundamental and applied Sciences»: Part IX. Innovation and high technology. MIPT
2008 "Assessment of the degree of involvement of key stakeholders in the development of the University (on the example of MIPT)"
Proceedings of 50th scientific conference of MIPT «Modern problems of fundamental and applied Sciences»: Part IX. Innovation and high technology. MIPT
2007 "Identifying key stakeholders and the analysis of their impact on higher education (on the example of MIPT)"
Proceedings of 50th scientific conference of MIPT «Modern problems of fundamental and applied Sciences»: Part IX. Innovation and high technology. MIPT